Paychecks & Information

As you progress through the ranks within NHS you unlock a variety of benefits. These benefits include increased paychecks, new uniforms, various opportunities within the NHS command team. Paychecks are a fixed amount for each rank and are paid every 30 minutes on duty. Additionally, you earn £5000 per each revive you do whilst on as NHS and £2000 per bodybag.

Chief Medical Director

Deputy Medical Director

Assistant Medical Director

Medical Advisor




Senior Doctor


Junior Doctor

Critical Care Paramedic


Trainee Paramedic


Medic Of The Week

Bullying – Zero-Tolerance Policy

This community takes bullying and the act of bullying very seriously. Remember, there is always a fine line between having ‘banter’ with someone and bullying. Always make sure you know where the line is. The community, members and management are expected to have a zero-tolerance policy on bullying and therefore anyone who breaks this expectation will be removed dealt with accordingly. Further action may be taken by the CMG Community Managers at their discretion.