Rules & Regulations

In Game Rules

Teamspeak Rules

Revive Priority

You must always revive individuals in the following order of priority: 

NHS > LFB > PD > HMP >  Civilian

              Exception to the Rules

                        In the instance that you hit a civilian who is injured/bleeding out, thus fully killing them, you are permitted to still revive the fully deceased person and apologise for the inconvenience.

                        If an admin requests you to revive an individual or you see that a player has been killed outside of RP, regardless of whether they are fully dead or bleeding out, you are allowed to pick them up. 

                        Being a representative of the NHS is a privilege. Interjecting and ruining RP using these whitelisted privileges will not be tolerated.  

              Combat Reviving

At all times medics should value their life. Therefore entering an active combat situation would be poor value of life. This also means you should not revive anyone involved in a combat scenario. You must wait at least 3 minutes before entering an area that was previously a combat situation (wait 3 minutes after the last gunshot has been fired, If Police are on scene ask for permission to Treat before you enter the situation).

DNRs (Do Not Resuscitate)

We do not use DNRs on this community, we believe that everyone should get a fair chance at revival and to get to experience the roleplay that is brought into the server by the faction, if anyone is caught not reviving certain people they will be suspended. The exception to this is when they have been clearly killed, for example, shot in the head, blown up or anything that is clearly unable to be treated for.

Ground Response

           Correct usage of your panic button

Within NHS you are provided with a panic button which you can use with the command /panic

To ensure correct usage of your panic button and prevent any punishments please read the following:

- You can only use your panic button when you are initiated on, this means your life is in danger. You cannot panic because there are shots in your area for example.

- You must ensure you are staying on the spot where you are before panicking, your panic stays at the spot where you use the command this means if you are in a vehicle moving you cannot use your panic button.

- Before panicking communicate with your fellow NHS, try your best to make sure minimal people are using their panic button. Let's say number 1,2 and 3 use their panic button and no one of PD shows up? Tell the other 3 to use their panic after waiting a minute. Don't spam it too much.

- Do not bind your panic button to a keybind because if you accidentally press your keybind it will go off.

To summarize this above, make sure to use your panic wisely and don't troll with it.